Thursday, June 5, 2008


Rebate/year 625
Rebate/month 52.08
Your 1month average usage in the past 250 130.2liter pumped
Your 1month average NEW price351.57 130.2 liter pumped
Difference 101.57
1month different 101.57
1month rebate 52.08
1month, you spend extra (RM) 49.49
(comparing past RM1.92 with present RM2.70)
1 year 1218.84
1 year rebate 625
1year, you spend extra (RM)593.84
(comparing past RM1.92 with present RM2.70)
If your average fuel consumption is more than RM128.2 per month
You will be paying more even with the rebate or RM625 per year
* calculation only works for those driving vehicle below 2000cc, who cares for those driving big cars, they surely can afford it



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